Today’s Healthy Dose – Put The Mouse Down

I know it’s tough, but put down your mouse. Go on, you can do it, you won’t need to scroll for this, just put it down. Uh huh, on the desk. Release the mouse. Yes, right now, uncurl the fingers and let the mouse go.

Now, stick your arms out at your sides, palms down. Hold, hold, hold…hold until you you can’t hold them anymore.

You may now return to holding the mouse.

Today’s Healthy Dose – Wall Crunches

No, it’s not a decorating technique. It’s an abdominal workout. And it’s amazingly simple.

  • Lean your back against a flat wall and bend your knees –not too deep, just enough to feel it in your thighs.
  • Lace your fingers behind your head and keep your elbows pointed outwards (do not bring those elbows in!)
  • Now, contract your abdominal muscles, and allow the contraction to pull your shoulders forward and down (do not bring those elbows in!)
  • Then flatten your shoulders back against the wall.
  • Take a breath, and repeat (10 or 20 times)

See? Easy, right? You’re gonna feel it tomorrow, but for now just bask in the euphoric afterglow…

Today’s Healthy Dose – Connect to the Earth

Take (or steal) a spare moment to connect to the energy of the Earth. Here’s how…

  1. Remove your shoes and socks
  2. Find a patch of earth that looks inviting (think soft grass, or fresh dirt)
  3. Stand on the inviting patch, feet about shoulder width apart
  4. Close your eyes
  5. Relax your neck and hold your head tall
  6. Let your shoulders drop
  7. Now focus on the soles of your feet and just “be”

Admit it…don’t you feel refreshed? The Earth’s energy will do that.

Today’s Healthy Dose – The Core of Your Being

Whatever you’re doing right now, suck it in. You heard me, pull in that core. Now hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Release. Excellent work!

Now, I will hypnotize you…. Imagine the sound of your cell phone in the distance. Your ring tone, your text ding, your email bong, your game trill. On the count of three, every time you here your cell phone you will pull in that core!

One, two, three. I was never here….